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Chetwynd Junior School

Chetwynd Junior School should be seen as an extension to the family

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Operation Sceptre

Year 6 children have had a workshop with the local PCSO linking to a national campaign, called Operation Sceptre, supporting work police carry out to ensure residents are safe from knife crime within their community. Children were equipped with skills needed to keep themselves safe within their peer groups as well as raising awareness around knife crime.


ASB Afternoon with our local PCSO.

Pupil Voice

"I would recommend this for the next Year6 ‘s because it was very helpful to know about the law and what to do if I was in that situation or a knife crime or drug transportation.

I really enjoyed the animation at the end. It was good to help me to recognise what that looks like. Learning about the consequences of knife crime was helpful for me.

It was a great experience and I hope more Year 6’s will be able to experience it as well!"

---- Amelia


"I would definitely recommend this to the next set of year 6’s. My favourite part was the animation. I have definitely learnt from the assembly. Finally, I don’t think I will ever carry a knife outside of my house."

---- Henry


"I liked the knife crime session and I would recommend it. My favourite part was the animation and I did learn about why you should not carry a knife and why you shouldn’t get involved with it."
