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Chetwynd Junior School

Chetwynd Junior School should be seen as an extension to the family

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How do your teachers help pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities to learn?

The teacher will have the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in his or her class. All teaching is based on building on what your child already knows, can do and can understand. Your child’s teacher, with support from the SENDCO and Senior Leaders will put in place different ways of teaching so that your child is fully involved in learning in the class.


This may involve things like using more practical learning or providing different resources adapted for your child. Your child's teacher will also put in place specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENDCO or staff from outside agencies) to enable your child to access the learning task. All children in school receive this. Your child's teacher will have carefully checked on his or her progress to monitor any gaps in his or her understanding/learning and determine whether your child needs some extra support in order to close the gap between your child and their peers. 


He/ She will plan the most appropriate intervention for your child to ensure that your child begins to make better progress.
