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Chetwynd Junior School

Chetwynd Junior School should be seen as an extension to the family

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British Values

What are British Values?

Overview of British Values

"Chetywnd School should be seen as an extension to the family".


Chetwynd School’s SMSC and British Values policy is to;


  • Develop relationships, respect and responsibility.
  • Create a caring ethos in the school where children can grow and flourish free from discrimination and racism.
  • Provide a supportive learning environment to actively promote values.
  • Ensure that children develop a sense of citizenship which includes the rejection of negative radical ideas, and promotes respect for civil and criminal law.
  • Promote the values of the school, running as a thread throughout the school brochure; together with the documentation included on the school website and the ‘lived experience’ of the children.
  • Measure the impact of school values by the Annual Pupil / Parent Questionnaires, community satisfaction and the way children conduct themselves in and around the school and community.
  • Have high expectations on an Educational Visit / Residential (as we would anticipate within the school).

Below is a PowerPoint slide showing what values and behaviours we follow at Chetwynd Junior School. It shows who we look up to and how their core values promote the British Values we teach in school.
