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Chetwynd Junior School

Chetwynd Junior School should be seen as an extension to the family

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Flat Stan First-Aid

Flat Stan First Aid have come into school to deliver vital first aid training to our Year 6 children. Children learned how to check if someone is responsive and breathing, how to deliver chest compressions, how to help when someone is choking and how to help someone who is bleeding or has burnt themselves. Children were able to practice basic CPR on Flat Stan dummies and were taught how to do compressions on others.

Year 6 children doing compressions on mannequins

Pupil Voice

"I have learnt a lot from when Gary came into school like when how to open someone’s airhole when they’re not breathing and what to do when someone is electrocuted. It was a lot of fun to do it."

----- Sahana



"We learnt how to help people in multiple different situations including if someone is having a cardiac arrest or heart attack, on a busy road or at home, if someone was choking or if someone was unconscious.

Gary gave us sponge mannequins and he told us how to stop the traffic in a road emergency and then help the person in danger. HE also told us if someone was choking, to smack them on the back five times.

I rate the workshop 5/5 stars!"

-------- Rohan


"I think the first aid workshop was really good because it taught me a lot of skills I didn’t know before. It was also really helpful that Gary told us all about the emergency numbers that you can use in the UK and in Europe. I know what to do if someone has burnt themselves, if someone was choking, if someone was bleeding and how to check is someone is unconscious."

----- Skye


Staff Voice

Teacher 1:

"That hour of training was brilliant, kids got a lot from it, as did myself and Mrs M! The trainer (I forget his name, sorry) was really calm and clear with the kids. Thanks for sorting that x."


Teacher 2:

"Just wanted to say the First aid session was really good. The children got a lot from it - so did I!"
