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Chetwynd Junior School

Chetwynd Junior School should be seen as an extension to the family

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Instrument of Government



Chetwynd Junior School


  1. The name of the school is Chetwynd Junior School.
  2. The school is a Community school.
  3. The name of the governing board is The Governing Board of Chetwynd Junior School.
  4. The governing board shall consist of :  2 parent governors / 1 Local Authority governor / 1 staff governor / 1 Headteacher (ex officio) / 8 Co-opted governors
  5. The total number of governors will be 13 (except at any time when the Head teacher has given notice that he/she chooses not to be a governor, when the total number of governors will be 12).
  6. The term of office of all categories of governor shall be four years    
  7. This Instrument comes into effect on 1st December 2020.
  8. This Instrument was made by order of Warwickshire Local Education Authority on 27th November 2020.
  9. This variation takes effect on 1st December 2020.
  10. A copy of this Instrument must be supplied free of charge to every Member and Associate Member of the Governing Board (and the Head teacher if not a Governor).

Approved by the Manager of Governor Services
on behalf of the Assistant Director of Education Services
