Welcome to Chetwynd Junior School
Chetwynd Junior School has been a part of this community since 1972 and has a well-deserved reputation for being a good school. We as a staff will continue to strengthen and develop this for pupils and parents. During our recent inspection (September 2021) we were proud that Ofsted celebrated the many strengths of our school and graded us as a good school. Our school’s ethos is that we believe you should see the school as ‘an extension to the family’, knowing that your child is safe and nurtured whilst they are with us.
We strive for each child to thrive and reach their individual potential. Chetwynd not only prioritises the children’s academic journey but we also ensure the children have a wide and varied curriculum with a range of experiences and opportunities for them to enjoy and explore over their four years with us.
I was appointed as Headteacher (September 2020) after having the privilege of working as the Deputy Head for eight years. I look forward to building on the school's vision in partnership with staff, governors, pupils and parents. This year we are improving the outdoor learning spaces to enhance the childrens' experiences both in and out of the classroom. We look forward to seeing this impact on the childrens' enthusiasm for learning over the coming years.
Miss Lawes