Important information January 2021
5ᵗʰ January 2021
Dear Parents,
Unfortunately, following my letter yesterday, we are now unable to open fully to all of our pupils.
Following on from yesterday’s Government announcement, staff have been working tirelessly
to ensure we can safely educate all children, be that from home or in school. Due to the short
notice, we are aiming to give as much information as we can now, and we will update you as
Guidance from the DFE states:
‘As a country, we all need to do what we can to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. That is
why the government has given clear guidance on self-isolation, household isolation and social
distancing. And the most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread
of COVID-19 is clear. If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of
the virus spreading, especially with this new highly-transmissible variant.
That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and
ask schools to remain open only for those children who ‘absolutely need to attend’ and whose parent
is a Critical Worker.
The government has defined the sectors and key workers (please see attached document). The Local
Authority has given further guidance on children who absolutely need to attend. Please, therefore,
follow these key principles:
• If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
• If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a
critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them (if required)
• Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the
stringent social distancing category such as anybody with underlying health conditions and anyone
who is over 70.
• Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in
a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing
principles as adults.
Current government guidance regarding eligibility for the school places as of Tuesday
5th January 2021 (which is an emergency INSET day for Chetwynd, replacing that originally
scheduled for Friday 19th March) is that children with at least one parent or carer who are
identified as critical workers by the government can potentially send their children to
school if required. However, we must
Warwickshire County Council
emphasise that the government guidance also states that “many parents working in these
critical sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. Every child who can be safely
cared for at home should be.”
Unlike last year’s national lockdown, education settings are not being used to provide
childcare provision for keyworkers and vulnerable children. School is delivering a full curriculum
both onsite and remotely. Those children who come into school on days their parents are
on shift only, should continue to access the remote learning on the days they are at home to
ensure they keep up to date with the teaching taking place in school.
Children attending school will need to be in school uniform and teachers will be wearing
professional dress so that the learning environment remains as normal as possible. Children can
continue to come in PE kits on their PE days. Children who are accessing lessons at
home need to ensure they are dressed and ready for learning when joining lessons.
Key worker and vulnerable children will be able to attend school from Wednesday 6ᵗʰ January 2021.
Home learning will commence from this date as well. Please do check your child’s MS Teams for this
week’s work. From next week, the children will be invited to dial in to lessons taking place in
school throughout the day. As this is new for our children we will send out more detailed
information about how this works via MS Teams, later this week. We are not able to provide paper
copies of work this time as the teachers are working full time in classrooms, teaching live lessons
and providing remote learning. Therefore families must access MS Teams for the provision.
To continue to support home school communication, we have Year Group emails available for parents.
Please mark in the subject which teacher the email is addressed to:
Please do follow our Facebook page: where we
will also be posting updates and information, as and when we receive it.
All letters are available on our website,
I have updated our provision for you in the table provided to help parents keep up to date with the
current changes.
Warwickshire County Council
Chetwynd Junior School’s Teaching and Learning Provision
January to February Half Term 2021
The start of the school day.
The government has now imposed a national lockdown. This has meant all schools are to
close. Children of key workers and vulnerable children are still able to attend school.
Class Group bubbles will be in place for both children and staff in school. Within their bubble, we
will aim to socially distance children as much as possible.
As before, hand sanitiser will be available in all classrooms and across the school building. There
will be the class teacher and LSA on site for all classes.
Teachers from Class 5 and Class 10 are working at home and therefore the key worker and vulnerable
children will work on site and join another class bubble within their year group during the
lockdown. Mrs Venables and Miss Yapp will be supporting online learning and communicating
with children at home via MS Teams.
If Miss Ballard already works with your child, she will be in touch during this time. The wellbeing
email address is should you wish to get in contact.
School gates will open at 8:40am to key worker and vulnerable children. Members of staff will be on
the school gate and playgrounds.
We ask that children wash their hands before leaving for school. Children will also sanitise their
hands on the way into class.
Unfortunately, as the guidance still recommends that school sites limit visitors to only those that
have prearranged a visit, parents will need to remain at the school gate whilst the
children come in to school.
Years 3 and 4 children are to enter via the pedestrian gate and they will be directed to their year
group doors inline with the current routine.
Years 5 and 6 will be directed via the carpark gate around to the 5/6 playground and enter the
school via their year group doors on that side of the building.
Any children arriving with Stepping Stones will follow the same procedures as they
have done previously. The end of the day hand over for Stepping Stones will remain the
same as it was in the Autumn also.
Online Learning
For those learning at home:
Work will be uploaded onto MS Teams, from Wednesday 6ᵗʰ January, for children to access at home.
From Monday 11ᵗʰ January children will be able to access some live teaching throughout the school
day to provide the teaching input for the lessons uploaded. More information will follow later this
Parents and children will be provided with a learning timetable that each class will follow in
school and at home. Children will be able to ask questions via their class space on MS Teams which
the teacher will respond to. We are going to keep a full timetable in place where possible.
Please note, if families only have one device at home, year groups have coordinated their
timetables so teacher input doesn’t clash between year groups. This should allow siblings in
different year groups to share a device.
Classrooms will continue to be organised so that children will sit facing the front rather
than across from each other on a table. Where possible, children will be spread out
across the classroom to encourage social distancing.
We will be providing children with writing equipment and resources. Children are not allowed to
bring in their own pencil cases from home as we would like to limit items from home in school.
Children will need to bring in a water bottle. Please make sure their bottle is labelled. Water
coolers will be in use, having been recently updated to be more efficient with water filtered to a
higher level and installed with paddle taps meaning children do not need to touch the water
coolers. There is no longer a cost for use of the water coolers.
Please do not let your children bring any equipment into school, other than their
coat, a bag and a water bottle.
Warwickshire County Council
Social Distancing
Lunches and Lunchtimes
The End of the school Day
When we use shared resources such as PE equipment, ICT equipment or science equipment,
for example, we will be cleaning it after a class has used it.
Children will be given regular reminders about social distancing, but this cannot be
guaranteed as children are children. However we do feel the measures we are putting in
place, supports social distancing as much as is possible and practicable. Staff will continue to
ensure they adhere to social distancing guidance when they are in contact with each other, this
includes staggered breaks and four staffrooms to support Year group bubbles. Adults will be
wearing face masks around school in corridors if social distancing is not possible.
Assemblies will be held using Teams in the classrooms.
The teaching of ICT will be blocked for mornings or afternoon for classes to allow
for cleaning of equipment between classes. The children might not use the ICT suite
each week due to capacity however they will have access to the use of the school iPads in some
Children will be given regular reminders and opportunities for handwashing.
Children will be encouraged to wash their hands at regular intervals throughout the day. Hand
sanitiser is available in classrooms and across the school. Children will sanitise their hands
before eating, before going out for breaks, before coming back in and at the start and end of the
Our cleaning staff continue to be very dedicated and are working continuously to
ensure that the school is a safe environment in which to learn and work. Daily thorough cleaning
has been increased to include the middle of the school day. This means the ICT suite
and hall are to be cleaned between classes and the classrooms once the children have eaten.
It also allows the toilets to be cleaned during the day. Touch points within school are also
cleaned more regularly, such as door handles.
We will continue with our playtimes as they have been during the autumn term. This means all breaks
will be at staggered times. Years 3 and 4 will use the front playground separately and Year 5 and 6
will use the back playground separately. The times are around the normal break times
with slight alterations. This means we can allow for social distancing but also keep the school
day familiar for the children to allow them to settle back into school life as quickly as possible.
When school receives more information on Free school meals arrangements, we will
communicate with parents as soon as possible.
The children will wash their hands before and after eating their lunches. Educaterers are providing
hot lunches for any children who wish to select school dinners and for those children
in receipt of free school meals, children who prefer their own packed lunches can still bring
those in. The school meals will be delivered to the classroom for years 3 and 4. Years 5 and 6 will
eat in the hall separately with class bubbles in place.
To continue to support the staggered lunchtimes, Year 3 and 6 will eat first whilst Year 4 and 5
have the use of the playgrounds. Once Year 4 and 5 are eating their lunches Year 3 and 6 will have
the use of the playgrounds. The classrooms and the hall will be cleaned before and after the
children have eaten.
Year 3 will have a 45 minute, lunch break (12:00 – 12:45). Year 6 will have a 50 minute, lunch
break (12:00 – 12:50). This allows the Year 4 and 5 classes to return to the playground after
eating for the last 10 minutes of their break whilst their classrooms are cleaned after they have
This also allows Year 3 and 6 to have the use of the hall earlier than our normal timetable, in the
afternoons for indoor P.E. This allows time for the hall and its equipment to be cleaned before a
second class uses the hall.
It also continues to support a staggered end to the school day where Year 3 will leave school at
3:05 and Year 6 and 3:10 due to their shortened lunch times. Years 4 and 5 will leave at 3:20 as is
normal via separate gates.
As in the autumn term, please do not worry if you have children at Whitestone or other schools,
where the collection time clashes with ours. Your children will be safe with their class teacher
until you arrive. When it is not raining, we will keep them at the front of the
school, socially distanced within Year groups. If raining, they will wait inside the school
Entrance Hall, again socially distanced in Year groups. Those children who will be using Stepping
Stones after school, will be supervised in the lower courtyard where they are used to waiting and
then they will be taken to the front gate and handed over to the staff from Stepping Stones.
Warwickshire County Council
As previously stated, our aim is to provide children’s education as normally as we
possibly can. The expectation is that children are learning, be that at home or in school. Those
working at home will be able to access learning via MS Teams.
Teacher’s PPA
This will continue as it did in the autumn term, being taken as a block of either
a morning or an afternoon to reduce the cover staff moving between multiple classes. The classes
will be covered by one person, either Mrs Brotherhood, Miss Ballard, Mrs Aucott or Mr Richards (a
regular supply teacher who is working with Chetwynd Junior School Monday to Wednesday each week).
The cover teachers will have different classes each week in order to ensure the children
have access to the ICT suite. Classes 2 and 10 will have Mr Richards for an additional half
day as Miss Ball and Miss Yapp have their additional Newly Qualified Teacher time.
Unfortunately parents are still not permitted onsite for the time being. We ask that parents
collecting children continue to wear masks at the school gate (unless medically exempt)
and maintain social distancing.
We will be communicating through parent mail, our website and through our Facebook and
Twitter accounts. If you have not already accessed these, then please do so as we are aware some
parents are missing out on some of the school communications. We will send out regular Newsletters
also to share as much of school life as we can during this very strange time.
Access to school
Next Steps
Please send your child in full Chetwynd uniform as usual.
Children working from home will be expected to be dressed and presentable when joining their class
virtually. They do not need to wear uniform.
Only staff, key worker children and vulnerable children will be allowed in school.
You will need to drop your child off at the gate and collect them from the same
place. This will minimise the number of adults within the school grounds and keep our children
safer. Staff will be at the school gates ready to support your children – please do not worry we
will take care of them!
Should you need to chat to us, please either phone school or message us through email and we will
phone or message you back.
As you know, year group emails are in place which will allow you to email your child’s teacher with
any questions or queries throughout this time. If you prefer telephone communication, then please
phone the school office and your child’s class teacher will phone you back.
Our Covid procedures will remain in place.
Any child complaining of feeling ill or who has a temperature will be cared for
following our usual procedure but will need to self-isolate in the medical room and
parents/ carers will be contacted to pick up as soon as possible in order to minimise contact
with others.
If your child or someone in your household is unwell or shows any of the symptoms of Coronavirus,
then please do not send them to school under any circumstances in order to prevent the spread of
the illness to other children and staff. In this instance, the child should be self-isolated
wherever possible for 10 days (if this guidance changes, we will update parents) and all fellow
household members should self-isolate for 14 days. Please let us know urgently if this is the case
as ‘where a child tests positive, the rest of the class/group should be sent home and
advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider class/group
do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live within that
group subsequently develops symptoms.’ (DfE Guidance).
We will continually risk assess our procedures and communicate to you as they evolve. We will
also review them as the guidance is updated from the Government. Our latest Risk
Assessment was updated on 4ᵗʰ January 2021 and is available on our website.
For children in school: we will still have our usual behaviour policy in place.
For children at home: we expect children to engage fully in their learning and behave as they would
in school.
We fully appreciate that learning from a home environment may have other distractions which are out
of your control. Where possible, we would ask that children are sat at a table in a quiet space to
allow as much participation as possible.
Warwickshire County Council
Kind regards
Miss Lawes Headteacher